For all interviews, photo shoots, promos please contact our media team directly via the general media email or contact Mr. Nelson's publicist via her direct email below.
General Media - mediaeddieleenelson@gmail.com
Publicist Email - publicisteddieleenelson@gmail.com
Venue Bookings & Tours. Please email us directly at bookingseddieleenelson@gmail.com
Should you wish to contact Eddie Lee directly then please forward your queries and requests
to Storm Management Productions who will revert to you directly on your request. Due to the high volume of requests all are replied to but not all can be facilitated, due to Eddie's hectic schedule. All media and booking queries can be sent to either the direct email stated or to Storm Management who will revert to you on same. Please make sure to mark the REF - Media/Bookigs etc so that it can be directed to the correct team member.
Email- stormmanagementproductions@gmail.com
Call (424) - 253 - 0809
Please either send us your message via the contact form
on this page or you can email our team who will revert to
you in due course. Due to the large amount of requests
received it may take a few days to revert to you, but we will
revert to you as soon as possible.